The Forgotten Library; part 3

 With the grand stag close by, Lyra felt a reestablished feeling of direction flooding through her veins. Together, they got back to the Failed to remember Library, where they arranged for the unavoidable showdown with the dim power that took steps to consume all that they held dear.

As they remained before the old tree, Lyra contacted touch its endured bark, feeling the weak beat of force that resounded profound inside its foundations. With a murmured mantra, she called upon the wizardry of the woodland, winding around a defensive boundary around the Library to protect it from hurt.

Be that as it may, even as the charms grabbed hold, a shadowy figure rose up out of the profundities of the woodland, its eyes igniting with pernicious goal. It was a being of unadulterated dimness, its structure moving and bending like smoke in the breeze, its chuckling reverberating with the chill of the grave.

Fearless, Lyra ventured forward to stand up to the gatecrasher, her heart loaded up sincerely and fortitude. With each step, she felt the heaviness of predetermination pushing downward on her, encouraging her to stand firm despite misfortune.

"Who thinks for even a moment to challenge me?" the shadowy figure murmured, its voice like the murmur of a failed to remember bad dream.

"I'm Lyra, gatekeeper of the Failed to remember Library," she answered, her voice consistent notwithstanding the quake of dread that hustled through her veins. "Also, I won't allow you to annihilate all that I hold dear."

With a flick of its wrist, the shadowy figure released an influx of dimness that took steps to inundate them both. Be that as it may, before it could contact them, the stag ventured forward, its horns gleaming with the illumination of 1,000 stars.

"Be gone, animal of obscurity," the stag roared, its voice resounding with the force of the actual backwoods. "This is hallowed ground, and you are not wanted here."

Briefly, the shadowy figure delayed, its structure flashing like a withering fire. And afterward, with a yell of fury, it disappeared into the profundities of the timberland, abandoning only an unpleasant reverberation of its vindictiveness.

As the last hints of obscurity disappeared, Lyra went to the stag, appreciation sparkling in her eyes. "Much obliged to you," she murmured, her voice loaded up with cunningness and marvel.

However, the stag just gestured, its eyes mirroring the old insight of the woods. "The fight might be won, however the conflict is nowhere near finished," it said gravely. "We should remain ever careful, for haziness hides in the shadows, sitting tight for its opportunity to strike."

Thus, underneath the quiet watch of the Elderwood, Lyra and the stag remained as gatekeepers of the Failed to remember Library, their hearts joined in a bond that rose above reality. However long the stars gleamed downward on the backwoods, they would keep on safeguarding its privileged insights, guaranteeing that the strings of fate stayed whole for a long time into the future.

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